Our immune system protects the body against infection by
identifying and killing pathogens. To accomplish this crucial task, the immune
system distinguishes pathogens from the organism's normal cells and tissues and
attacks the pathogens. This is a constant work. Failing to protect us
efficiently against bacteria and viruses, the body is powerless to fight
against infection/diseases. The way we eat affects the immune
system either positively or negatively. In your effort to build
your immune system, it is extremely important to increase the intake of all
the necessary immune
vitamins and minerals your body
needs. We summarize some of the immune
herbs and immune
supplements that boost
the immune system according to several researches.
and Echinacea are the most potent immune boosting herbs
Olive leaf extract: natural herbal antibacterial/antiviral that build
the immune system, lower blood
pressure, increase
energy ,and kills viruses. Other herbal
Supplements researches show that may contribute in building
the sytem are : Vitamin C/ester c, Vitamin E,
carotene, Bioflavonoid, Zinc, Garlic, Selenium, samento,
seed/ curmin, cayenne pepper, Omega-3 fatty
acids and more... It is almost impossible to intake all those essential
nutrients in a regular diet. We have a wide variety of natural
immune booster products to help you live a healthy life.
Note: Sugar, alcohol, tabacco, antibiotic, too much fat, and more...
weaken the immune