Arthritis or Joint pain may be caused by bursitis, an inflammation of the fluid-filled sac that lies between a tendon and skin, or between a tendon and bone. It may also be caused by injuries. It is more common in adults over 45. In USA only, almost 43 million women and men are affected by joint pain.
The cause of chronic pain, pain that continues for a long time or constantly reoccurs, can be more difficult to assess. It may cause by deterioration of the discs between the spine's vertebrae. In other words, the discs may dry out, thereby allowing pressure to be placed on the nerves that run through the spine. The result is severe lower back pain, usually known as osteoarthritis. Others suffer when the joints of the lower back become inflamed as rheumatoid arthritis enters their body. This condition is not only chronic, it steadily progresses through the system. Another common cause of chronic lower back pain is osteoporosis, in which the bones of the spine become brittle and fragile because of hormonal changes or vitamin deficiencies.
Is your life ruined by acute or chronic pain? Our natural remedies can promote the mobility and flexibility of your joints and make you feel better without side effects. All the products we carry are made of all natural ingredients that don�t damage your body and internal organs.