vitamins, minerals & supplementsVitamins are organic substances required in tiny amounts for essential metabolic reactions in your body; they are essential to the normal functioning of human organism. Whether or not it is important to take vitamins was very controversial in the past. Today, experts have shown evidences that taking daily multivitamin is be beneficial for the health. Each one of them has its role to play, which makes it important to get a variety of them in a normal dose in your diet. For instance, lack of folic acids might be linked to birth defects and some cancers. Many studies have shown that people who get higher than average amounts of folic acid from their diets have lower risks of colon cancer and breast cancer. A deficiency in B12 may cause memory loss,
disorientation, hallucinations, and tingling in the arms and legs. Vitamin E supplements may reduce coronary heart disease risk. A healthy diet should include enough nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to function properly. However, it is very difficult to intake all those essential nutrients in a regular diet. At Vital Food Store, we
carry a range variety of Natural vitamins and Supplements to bolster your diet.